Saturday, March 22, 2008

Beware the Armadillo

I'm finished with this E50 for a Metra65. It turned out pretty good, but I didn't get the cases as clean as usual, this one was particularly dirty. It did however have perhaps the weirdest thing I've ever seen inside a puch motor. There was a stamping of what looks like an Armadillo and it says Fredric on the clutch stamping, and on the push plate it shows the Armadillo without the words. Everett had never seen something like that in his 40 years of Mopeddling.
Any other Ped-o-philes have any idea what this could be?


leftovers said...

I just took my e50 apart this week and it has the same stamps. Maybe they were made about the same time?

Philip Patrie said...

I've heard reports that they are not super rare on two shoe clutches. I've never seen one before this, and I've had open 6 or so E50's. Strange! I have no idea of the year from the engine, but it was a #2 Cylinder (not cast iron)

Anonymous said...

I hear you will be in town, drop me a line.

~ED Mosquito.