Hello long time blog readers. Long time, no read. Here are some pictures that never amounted to a reason to post. I sold a Hobbit LTD to my friend Max, and then he discovered a clever way to disassemble the rear variator using a planting crate. It wedges the cheeks open nicely. You can see the cam on the left was badly worn and in need of replacement.
What is a hobbit LTD? It's a PA50II in black with hologram HONDA decals. They are awesome.
Greg smashed his Austro Diamler forks on adventure ride, so we straightened them out. Some miss information is passed around that these are hydraulic, but they are actually just very good spring loaded forks. Nothing a little time in the press wont fix. Very sturdy.
Don't get your blog hopes up, but I might update this thing a bit more frequently, like say... monthly. See you in December.